Viorica Bocioc
Fluid Ceramics [portfolio]

Works in the field of Porcelain-based Ceramics
​ We all know that: the act of creation is something extremely complex, a procedure filled with intricacies. Moments of pure creation are valuable if you benefit of their presence. Usually things are easy to be done , but you must have the capacity to create. When I wish for something very much I can’t accept the idea of the impossible. I follow my way relentlessly to the and. Sometimes I am inspired by my finished works; new ideas spring from previews one..
I was thinking how to create nontraditionally. While the form took shape I should color it all along without interfering the brush strokes.
After the plaster has absorbed the water out of the porcelain , at the appropriate moment one lifts it off and starts working on it.
One must feel when to interfere as well. Intuition helps me find the moments when, where and how to interfere and especially when to stop.
I intervened only where the form asked for it, in the moments I felt that , I have to do it .
The object that I have created have as an absolute novelty Their forms which is strongly connected to their color.
I have learnt, from many of our masters, that less ends by being more…
I have learnt from the leave to breath, from the sun to shine, from the rain to cry, from the birds to fly, from the horses to run…and as every human being, there is so much to learn, still...because we do know so little about anything and everything.